Chicken Taquito & Avocado Cream

Everyone loves Chicken Taquitos!  Last night I was NOT in the mood to cook dinner… I ran to Trader Joes at 5:30pm and picked up frozen chicken taquitos to quickly heat up.  I felt so guilty when Charlotte stood there looking at the box and asked “can I eat this???” She already knew the answer when she asked which made me feel even worse.  I quickly calculated a version for her and went to work cooking anyway…

They turned out really good!  Next time I would reduce the amount of dip ingredients and include more fat in the taquito it’s self.  The ratio of dip to taquito was a little too heavy, but Charlotte ate all of the dip anyway.  She was very grateful to eat just 1 taquito!

293 Calories

3.5:1 Ratio


11g La Tortilla Factory Low Carb High Fiber, Whole Wheat Tortilla

10g chicken breast, cooked and shredded very small

10g macadamia nuts, crushed

20g avocado

14g 40% heavy cream

12g oil, one suitable for high temperature cooking (I used safflower)

salt/pepper, cumin, garlic powder, red pepper


Pre-heat the oven to 450 degrees.  You can peel layers of the tortilla or cut a rectangle shape that weighs 11g.  In a small bowl, combine the chicken and macadamia nuts together until it is almost a “paste” like consistency.  Season the chicken mixture if desired.

Spoon all of the chicken mixture onto the tortilla and roll tightly.  Place the taquito on a baking sheet covered with a sil-pat or piece of parchment paper.  Weigh the oil and use a syringe or small spoon to cover the taquito completely with oil.  Be careful to not “lose” any oil in the process (don’t use a pastry brush, it will hold onto too much oil). Depending on calorie or ratio needs, you may be able to  use all of the oil on the taquito.  If you have extra, mix it into the avocado cream.  Bake for about 5 minutes until it is browned and crispy.  If there is oil on the parchment paper after cook, let the taquito sit for a minute to absorb some of it back in.  Scrape the remaining oil if necessary.

Dice the avocado and smash it with a fork until it is relatively smooth.  Weigh the needed portion in a small condiment cup.  Add the cream and any remaining oil to the avocado cream mixture.  Season the dip if desired.


cream cheese, butter, or mayonnaise would all be good substitutions if you do not want to use cream in the dip.

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