rice krispie treats – gingerbread man

i got a late email last night from one of the moms from Clara’s class.  She was nice enough to let me know that she made some rice kris pie treats with her daughter, and whether clara will be able to eat it.  She said they will be sharing with the class today.  this took 2 minutes to put together this morning.  kept in the freezer until we had to leave for school. =)

Ratio 1:1

Calories 90

Total carb 6.2



3T (6.6g) Rice Krispies cereal
1/2T (8g) butter
1T Walden Farms marshmallow Dip


melt butter and mix in the marshmallow dip.  mix in the rice krispies mix.

put a cookie cutter on a parchment paper and pile the mixture in the middle of it.  press down to fit the cookie cutter shape.  gently pell off the cookie cutter.  pick up the parchment paper and keep in the freezer until set.

if you are keeping it in the freezer until ready to serve, let it sit in room temperature for about 5 minutes before serving.


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